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Spay Neuter Clinic
Arapahoe WY


Since 2017

Our volunteers have:

Rescued over 2,000 pets off the reservation, mostly puppies.  

We have delivered over 2,000 bags of dog food in the last 3 years.

We have taken over 250 dogs to get spayed or neutered to the vets in Riverton and returned them home in the last year. 

We respond to calls about hurt dogs and dogs and cats at the garbage dump.

We paid, through a grant, over $50,000 in vet bills in the last year. We pay for emergency care for pets off the reservation. 

We deliver dog houses and straw to pets needing shelter.

We are foster based. We do not have any employees.  All of this is done by volunteers.  We are supported by the Humane Society and the Episcopal Church of Wyoming. 

We vaccinate and spay the pets as part of their adoption.

We plan to have a mobile spay/neuter clinic on the road to local neighborhoods on the rez by June 1.